Beyond NO

Beyond NO

Do you ever feel like you are doing your best to practice mindfulness and acceptance in a world that is full of injustice and as much as you try, sometimes it is just really difficult? Or when you are in the middle of a big project, uncertainty can creep in and you...
Don’t Give Up

Don’t Give Up

Last week, as we woke up to dolphins playing in the water in front of the house, one of the kids pointed out a rainbow that had popped up over the rocks. Not a bad way to enjoy my morning coffee. I had one of those “well, this doesn’t suck” moments.” It was...


This past week, as I found myself sitting and listening to the waves crash in on the shoreline of the Gold Coast, I had one of those beautiful moments where I knew nothing would ever be the same and that life was about to change in miraculous ways that were beyond my...

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