Don’t Give Up

Don’t Give Up

Last week, as we woke up to dolphins playing in the water in front of the house, one of the kids pointed out a rainbow that had popped up over the rocks. Not a bad way to enjoy my morning coffee. I had one of those “well, this doesn’t suck” moments.” It was...
The Mask

The Mask

I read something recently that really resonated with me. 20 things women should stop wearing after 40. 1 – 20: The weight of other people’s expectations or judgments. I remember the days and weeks leading up to announcing that we were planning to move abroad and...


This morning as I looked around the house and was feeling a bit overwhelmed between boxes and packing, school holidays and trying to entertain the kids, and balancing it all with work, I had to stop before I allowed myself to spiral down the rabbit hole. But, it’s an...
Don’t Give Up

Seasons Change

This past week, the seasons began to change from Summer to Autumn and I realized we would soon find ourselves back in the season it was when we first arrived down under. Nearly a year! It seems hard to believe. As I was battling to breathe and adjust to the changes in...

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