Life is Messy – Learn to Laugh

Life is Messy – Learn to Laugh

Marriage is hard and life is messy. Anyone who tells you otherwise simply hasn’t come to terms with the fact that these things are true. We all have our fairytale moments, but the reality of life is that at some point or another you will be challenged. The peaks and...
The Heart of Divide

The Heart of Divide

Anyone who has moved knows how exhausting it can be. This week when I found myself more emotional than normal, my first thought was that everything from the last few months was simply catching up and coming to the surface. To say it has been a wild ride would be an...
Find Your Tribe

Find Your Tribe

Last week, one of my closest friends found herself going through a difficult time that left her emotionally drained. I wished I could teleport myself across the globe and be there in an instant to support her. We opted for checking in via text and What’s App instead....
The Evolution of the Human Spirit

The Evolution of the Human Spirit

Last Saturday, my mother arrived for her first visit to see us in Australia – a trip that has been planned for months. Of course, the unplanned part was us finding our home and moving two days after her arrival.  Over boxes and several glasses of wine, we started to...

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