by Jenn | Jul 31, 2017 | Career, Life
A few days ago, my brother-in-law asked how packing was going and how I was feeling about moving again. Just two months after unpacking all our belongings, we are back underneath boxes. Cardboard purgatory! I have yet to meet anyone who enjoys moving – the...
by Jenn | Jul 24, 2017 | Life
This morning, as my husband and I found ourselves surrounded by boxes yet again, we had a good laugh and remembered just when you think you have a plan, life happens. We started reminiscing about the early days when we first met and agreed that had someone told us...
by Jenn | Jul 17, 2017 | Health & Wellness, Life, Parenting, Relationships
Last week, as we were on a boat in the middle of the ocean watching whales migrate north, I noticed as everyone started pulling out their phones and cameras most were not facing out towards the water but rather towards their own face with the ocean setting as the...
by Jenn | Jul 10, 2017 | Life, Relationships
Years ago, after graduating from college, I packed my belongings into my car and made my way to Los Angeles. It was a time in my life of self-discovery. Like most early twenty-somethings, I didn’t necessarily have a plan but I knew I wanted to challenge myself to grow...
by Jenn | Jul 3, 2017 | Health & Wellness, Life
This morning, as I was sitting on the deck with my coffee watching the sun come up, it reminded me of how important it is to allow ourselves time each day to clear the noise. Sometimes noise comes in the form of a toxic person in your life or letting fear creep in....
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